Norepinephrine, which is involved in the communication between neurons as a neurotransmitter inside the brain, can function as a neurotransmitter in the spinal cord and abdomen outside the brain. This hormone, which can be secreted directly from the adrenal glands, binds to the relevant receptors in the cell membranes and stimulates the cells.
The main function of noradrenaline is to prepare the brain and body for actions that will take place. It is at the lowest levels during sleep and rises during awakening. In dangerous and stressful situations, the amount of noradrenaline in the blood increases much more. It plays one of the most important tasks together with adrenaline, especially in the realization of fight or flight response.
Norepinephrine increases stimulation, alertness, and being awake in the brain; triggers memory generation, information recall, and focus. In the rest of the body, it speeds up the heartbeat, increases blood pressure, raises blood sugar and provides more blood to the skeletal muscles.
For those who have no knowledge of what noradrenaline acts as a hormone, let's explain this with a small example.Imagine suddenly hearing a horn as you cross a street. You have forgotten to look at the traffic lights and threw yourself out of the road in less than a second. By thinking about this, we can feel how fast our heart beats. The knot formed in our stomach and how fast we breathe…
People with chronic anxiety start the day hoping that nothing bad will happen to them. When they wake up every morning, they try to motivate themselves by saying “today will be a beautiful day”.
But they just can't do it. Because chronic anxiety disorder causes people to be in constant fear. This fear waits to catch the person, and as soon as catches, the person loses himself mentally.
It breathes the person's breath, shivers, makes the patient sweat cold, and fills the patient's brain with endless thoughts and disaster ideas. All this process is accompanied by one hormone: norepinephrine.