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    Wondering why you don't want to stop when you eat something very tasty?
    Continuing to eat sometimes continues regardless of starvation. Think about how you put the dessert on top of it when you were overly full after a solid dinner. Well, if she had a lettuce salad rather than dessert at the time of extreme satiety, would you want to eat again? Probably not so why do we have a weakness in high-calorie foods?

    In recent studies, a cellular communication network with the emotional processing region (amygdala) of the brain was discovered. When you consume enough or even more to meet your energy needs, what motivates you to continue eating is actually

    It has been suggested that "nociceptin", a small protein that works as a signal molecule in your nervous system. And it has been found that this molecule called nociceptin stimulates the consumption of foods that we define as high and delicious calorie content. But why does nociceptin stimulate the consumption of these high-calorie foods?

    The reason why we prefer foods that are dense in calories to low-calorie foods has been explained based on evolution. We can think of this as a precaution that our body takes with the development of a possible famine. The logic of this mechanism is "consume and survive the high energy food you have found" since it was difficult to reach food in ancient times. Our insatiability for high-energy foods seems to be a legacy from evolution. Since there is no shortage in the life of modern man, the mechanism of nociceptin is limited to enjoying eating. In other words, when you overestimate eating delicious things and cannot stop, you can easily put the blame on nociceptin. In fact, this protective mechanism that our brain has developed for our survival can bring life to the point of shifting rather than saving the lives of today's people. This instinct increases our dependence on high-energy foods, and modern man's obesity, diabetes, etc. it does not seem to make a positive contribution to the fight against diseases. Studies are underway to block the mechanism of nociceptin. And these studies examine the therapeutic aspect of blocking the nocicepin in the areas of obesity and binge eating syndrome, as well as depression, substance abuse and pain.


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