The issue of how the world people are affected in encounters with UFOs (close encounters, especially close types 2 and 3) attracted the attention of some researchers. This influence has extended beyond the psychology of the human and has extended towards the psychic side. The literature on the subject is full of examples of this situation; You will find some of them in my review below but first, let's start with a news story that we have been living in recently and that was effective in writing this article and shocked us all.
UFO images verified by PENTAGON and NASA
The Pentagon and NASA confirmed the UFO images taken in 2004-2015. They did this by sharing the following images on social media. Frankly, the whole world now seems to have believed in the reality of this situation. Take a look at the video and see what you will think ..
The Navy previously accepted the accuracy of the videos in September of last year. According to Pentagon spokesperson Sue Gough, they officially decided to publish it now to "eliminate misunderstandings about whether public images are real or if there is more in the videos."
“As I got close to it … it rapidly accelerated to the south, and disappeared in less than two seconds,” said retired US Navy pilot David Fravor. “This was extremely abrupt, like a ping pong ball, bouncing off a wall. It would hit and go the other way.”
Now let's list the most common and common reactions of human physiology and psychology to close encounters with UFOs. , increase / decrease in intelligence level, psychosis. In addition, the following reactions were found, mainly related to the spiritual side of the observer:
1-Telepathic communication and cleansing detection (clairvoyance)
2-hunch or prophecy
3-Materialization, materialization
4-Suddenly the ones coming with UFOs appear and become invisible
5-Telekinesis (moving items, voices and clicks of unknown cause, radio, tv, tlf. And other electrical devices affecting functions
Spiritual / thought photos of UFOs
7-Audio tapes about UFOs
8-Teleportations of observers or belongings
10-Uncanny and poltirgayst events.
As you can see; There is a connection between extraterrestrial vitality or the intelligent life issue in the universe and parapsychology (even metepsychic) and we want to convey you in such an approach.
Despite this connection, this is the least studied aspect of UFO events or people who have experience with UFOs so far; In other words, the psychological, parapsychological, even parapsic / metapsic side of the work (compared to the astronomical and physical side)…
However, a small amount of research so far revealed a common feature of those who met with intelligent beings coming with UFOs, which is; these are the tendencies of people to ethno. Yes, these people are very sensitive to spiritual stimulation.
I will may give some examples of the psychological and spiritual responses of the world human to the UFO phenomenon in this article and some in my other articles. The ufos' temporary / permanent effects on humans, animals and the environment:
In some of the close encounters of the second type, some of the witnesses who observed the incident; There is shock, depression, unexplained fear and uneasiness, and in some of them (especially in close encounters of type 3), the situation of feeling unexplained mental suggestions as his fear is meaningless has been experienced. Emerging at this time; An experience involving incidents such as shock, loss of consciousness, sudden hot flashes, radiation or electromagnetic effect, and the incidents that were taken, occurred in an event that took place in Brazil.

The protagonist of the incident, Antonio Bogado La Rubia, left his house at 2:15 am to go to his mission by shuttle. The road to the stop of the shuttle bus passed through a deserted area. Because Antonio's house was already in a relatively desolate area outside the city, and there were no dwellings other than a few small huts in the immediate vicinity of his house. In order not to miss the service vehicle, trying to move towards the stop with quick steps; A little further (in his own words), when he suddenly saw "something like a hat", he was naturally startled and as if he were frozen. As soon as he stopped, he was caught on both sides (again in his words) by the "two men".
Antonio soon found himself in a place he called "that thing ...". It seemed as if he was standing there. Here, there were about 10-12 "men" on both sides, almost as big as his own. Antonio did not hear any sound except for the breathing and the breathing of these “men”. Panicked, Antonio wanted to shout, but he was amazed to see that his voice was not sounding. After this first split, Antonio; It was placed in the side chamber dominated by blue and white lights. Here, a blood sample was taken from the middle finger of his right hand. Meanwhile, he was watching his own image on the screen (but his images, including the near future).
For a while he gathered all his strength and screamed at one, and said: "Who are you, what do you want from me?" Probably the "men" beside him were not expecting such a reaction from Antonio, all of them leaping back a few steps in a hurry. But almost immediately at the same time, the sound of our hero was cut off with a beam of light pointed at Antonio. Aside from making his voice, he could not even move his hand and arm. Antonio later tried to describe this situation as follows: “I thought for a moment that the men intend to fry me alive. As if I was on fire. I fried like a pomegranate under that light. When they pulled the light off me, I was relieved a little. ”Antonio doesn't know how long he stayed in that strange place; before finding out how he was, he found himself in an abandoned hut near where he was first taken / taken. When he recovered, he looked at his watch, pointing at 3:55. So, it was 40 minutes in the "thing".

When he came to work with difficulty, he still felt like a fire. So much that he asked his friends to squeeze water on him with a hose. But it did not help, and they took him to the worker's health center: his body temperature was 42 degrees. While at the health center, Antonio was examined by doctors in a half-naked state, he remembered his own image on the screen while he was in "that thing". Yes, at this moment he was shown to him in "that thing", and hours ago ...
In the hours after this medical examination, the emotional symptoms / reactions of the person were just like that of a child; There were even times when she cried like a baby. His fire showed ups and downs from time to time. Vomiting and diarrhea continued along with mild swelling in some parts of the body.
He had occasionally fried some parts of his body from scratching. He wanted neither to be touched nor to wear anything. It was almost as if it was burning in his mouth, where he felt constantly dry.
Antonio also had psychological tests, but it turned out to be normal. On the other hand, UFO researchers, of course, were also interested in the subject and Antonio. One of them, local researcher Irene Granchi, reminded a third-party close-up event similar to what happened to Antonio in Villegas in Mendoza Peccinetti in 1968: There were cases of taking a blood sample from the middle finger and watching TV.