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Physical and Spiritual Scars Emerge by SARS Outbreak When Coronavirus Panic Surrounds the World
10 years ago, the traumatic wounds of the SARS virus, which affected 8422 people and killed nearly 1000 people, still affect the survivors.
  Ten years ago today, residents of Amoy Gardens in Hong Kong were unaware that they would be newspapers  headline when they wake up in the morning. Cases of severe acute respiratory syndrome (Sars) occurring in Kowloon Bay were increasing one by one. A quarantine was declared, but 42 people were already died in the outbreak.

The long-term effects of the SARS virus continue, both physiologically and psychologically.

   For many experts, survivors of SARS are still obliged to live with fear of depression and epidemics today. Especially as the coronavirus epidemic continues to wrap the world slowly ...

Doctor Ivan Mak Wing-chit, who treats SARS sufferers, explains:

"These times we're in are particularly difficult for these people. One of my patients explained that he felt depressed because of seeing the news of the 10th anniversary of Sars. He tired of living with the fear of these memories."

The most 'deadly place' in the city at that time was the Prince of Wales Hospital in the city of Sha Tin. Many healthcare professionals and patients were exposed to the virus here.

Kim Yuen, who traps a virus from a nurse, explains:

"Then I was about 60 years old. I was in isolation for more than 100 days. It was the first time in my life that I felt so lonely. Suddenly I was left alone in fear and panic because of my illness."
"Every breathing I had was another challenge. I was thinking if I could take the next breath in my head. It was as if I was abandoned there without anyone around me, pain and fear were unbearable."

In the same hospital, close the virus Prof. Dr. Henry Chan explains that the disease has darkened his life.

Both patients were lucky because they were treated, but post-traumatic stress disorder problems remained. Others have developed anxiety disorders, stress, and hypersensitivity to these memories.

According to a study conducted after 2 years after the epidemic, where uncertainty and fear prevailed, 40% of patients recovered after SARS experienced post-traumatic stress disorder.

This figure is even more than natural disasters before!
Again, according to another doctor working in the same hospital, while these patients experience fear even in the smallest health problems, this coronavirus outbreak drags them to great panic.

Doctor Mak is trying to overcome these traumas by visiting the Amoy Gardens region with the patients.

Dr. Leung Chi-bong working in the same hospital at that time explains that his colleagues are also affected by the situation, that he is alone, and that fatigue and panic affect them very deeply.

"We had to eat our meals facing the walls, not face-to-face. The hospital was cold and quiet, nobody was talking to anyone. Then, as we got to know the virus, we returned to normal, but this time we were putting cardboard between us. But at least we could chat."

Still, there are dozens of volunteers who want to work in the hospital in this mess!

It is not yet possible for scientists to reach the level of the Sars virus, but panic and fear continue to spread.

another poem
one day, to my surprise,
human would forget
even his lover's eyes.
with tired voices
when clocks pulse
at twenty all the nights,
don't you forget
about me.
Because I
live and think about you
every night at that time.
And I desperately dream of you.
Please don't you forget
about me,
where the darkness ends.


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