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I explain the true cause of the corona virus!



- This virus does not kill.
- By creating panic and chaos, people are closed to their homes.
- Everyone tends to blame the United States, claiming that it produces the virus.
- The US apparently knocked China out with a $ 5-10 virus, but the U.S. Congress approved a $ 7.8 billion budget to fight the virus.
- The virus attack was carried out by globalists in America, not America.
- It is not naive to expect China to emerge stronger after this attack.
- The most suitable place for this epidemic to occur was China. The only fault of the Chinese is that they live in China.
- USA will been left holding the bag.
- The flow of capital to China will accelerate because the United States is having difficulties in the transition to digitalism.
- This virus was not produced to reduce the human population but to break the link between the old and the new generations.
- It is a fact that more than 80% of the people killed by the mutated virus consist of people aged 65 and over.
- Why? Grandfather and grandmother means history, religion and culture.
- But in the new order planned, that is, in the age of transhumanism, there is no room for 20th century habits.

Technology Changes Sociology.

-All organizations where people can go for religious purposes are canceled.
-While the workplaces where robots are employed continue production, people are directed to work from their homes.
-Delivery of the orders they make for their needs will be done by robots.
-Payments and salaries are already made online.
-Nowadays, where even confession can be done online, I think it is not strange that worship can be done online thanks to augmented reality technology.

Virus Everywhere.

-It will be inevitable for all major international organizations and companies to get acquainted with the virus. (Amazon, Facebook, Nato...)


- The corona virus is just a social experiment for the realization of the 4th industrial revolution.
- Societies are forced to be digitalized.
- With digitalization, individuality is brought to the fore by eliminating contact between people.
- What will the individualized person deal with at the computer?
      1. Artificial intelligence
      2. Augmented reality
- With augmented reality, heaven will be promised to those who stop their visiting to the ground.

- But the earth will also have an answer to these plans.
- I'm not afraid, you?


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