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Anandamide: A Neurotransmitter Affecting Happiness



The effects of anandamide are short-lived and very intense. For this reason, it positively affects different parts of our brain and body.Anandamide is a compound our body produces. Interestingly, it has properties very similar to THC, an active ingredient in cannabis. So, most people say that this neurotransmitter is the "natural cannabis" produced by the human body.

   Anandamid has a cannabis-like effect. It is very relaxing and stabilizes and regulates the cardiovascular system. It also gives a sense of happiness. In fact, the word comes from the word "ananda", which means "carrying peace and inner happiness" in the Sanskrit language . This is in the human body and chocolate.

   Scientists discovered this substance in 1992. They described it as a weak molecule with a short-term effect on the body. In addition to its sedative effects, it improves the work of the respiratory system and affects cognitive functions.

"Happiness usually sneaks in through the door you don't realize you're leaving open."

– John Barrymore

How does Anandamide work?

   The brain synthesizes anandamide. It works in areas related to memory , advanced cognitive processes, motivation and motion control. Scientists have discovered that this substance can reduce the pain sensation. In addition, it can interfere with appetite, reward and pleasure feelings.

   Researchers did a study on mice in 2017. Scientists injected a dose of anandamide into mice. The behavior of the mice changed after this procedure. When they faced cognitive problems, they were more interested in finding a solution and were more able to do so.

   Some people think that science has not yet been able to detect all the features and effects of this neuronstant. Some argue that this may be a good healing aid tool for psychoactive addicts. However, there is not enough evidence to support this.

Effects of Anandamide

The effects of anandamide are short-lived and very intense. For this reason, it positively affects different parts of our brain and body. Its main effects are:

Homeostatic. Anandamide supports the regenerative properties of the body and stabilizes the nervous system.
Analgesic. Similar to cannabis and all similar cannabionides, it has strong pain-relieving effects.
Neurological protector. It helps regulate the stimulation process in the nervous system, producing protective effects.
Appetite regulator. Studies have proven that anandamide regulates appetite and saturation cycles, while at the same time changing the feeling of hunger.
Antiemetic. This means it helps prevent vomiting. To do this, it cooperates with serotonin.
It regulates sexual desire. Research shows that a small amount of anandamide stimulates sexual desire . However, taking it in high amounts reduces sexual desire.
It has a role in pregnancy. This substance has a role in interfering with the embryo in the uterus.
It is naturally motivating. It improves decision making and increases self-confidence.
Cognitive functions. Anandamide helps establish new neuronal connections. This supports thinking, learning and memory processes.
Rest and well-being. It makes you feel peaceful, relaxed and happy .
Anticarcinogenic. This effect has not been proven yet. Everything indicates that cancer cells are preventing the growth of cancer, especially melanomas.

How do we increase anandamide level?

   The simplest way to increase the anandamide level is to eat dark chocolate. This nutrient contains a significant amount of theobromine.

   Scientists assume that this substance stimulates the production of neurotransmitters in the brain. Dark chocolate contains a large amount of theobromine. However, if you chew the cocoa shell, its effects will be much greater.

   In addition, a team of German researchers conducted a study on this topic in 2015. In this study, they realized that exercise facilitates anandamide production. Therefore, they concluded that this neurotansmitter, not endorphine, is responsible for producing a sense of happiness after physical activity.

   In addition, black truffles are naturally found in anandamide. Likewise, scientists have recognized that meditation contributes to the natural production of various substances, such as anandamide, serotonin, dopamine, and endorphine .


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