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   The link between arginine and depression is simply as follows:
   Major depression reduces the bioavailability of arginine. For this reason, the body cannot produce enough nitric oxide and may cause depression to resist treatment as a result of increased inflammation. Unfortunately, it does not seem possible to increase bioavailability with the supplement of arginine.
   Although there are users who indicate that their mood improves significantly by taking this nutritional supplement, there are not many uses other than lowering blood pressure and effectiveness in erectile functions.

Another Name of Calmness and Relaxation

 Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) is an amino acid and neurotransmitter that regulates excessive excitement or fussing of the brain by preventing the ignition of too many neurons, thus making us feel calm. As a restrictive neurotransmitter, the main function of GABA is to slow down brain activity.
   It is especially adept at reducing unwanted thoughts that nourish stress, anxiety, depression and other psychiatric disorders.
   Another issue that GABA affects brain functions is related to the change of brain waves. The availability of this substance in sufficient quantities leads to an increase in brain waves associated with calm status (alpha waves). In addition, a decrease happens in brain waves associated with stress and anxiety (beta waves).
   In order to better understand the functioning of gamma-aminobutyric acid, we need to ignore another neurotransmitter, L-glutamate. This neurotransmitter is a natural byproduct of energy produced in the brain. In other words, this very important neurotransmitter is one of the products that result from the metabolism of glucose in the brain. These two neurotransmitters are opposite and complementary. While GABA slows down brain activities, on the contrary, glutamate increases these activities.
   GABA and glutamate not only work together, they also have the ability to transform into one another.

Supplements to Increase GABA

1) Picamilon (can cross the blood brain barrier)
2) Phenibut (Very effective but long-term use leads to addiction. Although it may seem dangerous, its use as a short-term and last resort in emergency situations can save lives.)
3) Kava Kava
4) Magnolia Bark
5) Valerian
6) Scutellaria baicalensis
7) Melissa officinalis
8) Nigella Sativa
9) Jasminum officinale
10) Ashwagandha ( Withania somnifera )
11) Lavandula
12) Theanine
13) Apigenin
14) Green Tea ( Camellia Sinensis)
14) Taurin
15) Salvia miltiorriza
16) Cussonia zimmermannii
17) Curcuma zedoaria
18) Cyperus rotundus
19) Exercise


   Since the human body can synthesize the aspartate it needs, it is not vital to take it with food from outside. Although it has been suggested that aspartate, which is used as a neurotransmitter, can provide resistance against fatigue and increase endurance, the experimental records supporting this are not very strong.
   Aspartate accumulation causes excess calcium to enter the cells, causing neuron death. It also triggers an excessive release of free radicals.
Note 1: Aspartate is used to create body hormones and support the normal function of the nervous system. Naturally found in legumes, nuts, meat, eggs and salmon.
Note 2: Although there are contradictory statements about the harm of aspartame, 40% of which contains aspartate and is used as artificial sweetener, I have a deep prejudice that it is really harmful. The decision is yours.


Glycine is the smallest and simplest of all amino acids. By contributing to the neural communication in the brain, it improves sleep quality and eliminates energylessness by minimizing fatigue.
While glycine can play both suppressive and stimulating roles, it has an important place in the transmission of nerve signals. In this way, it contributes to cognitive flexibility and the proper formation of memory-related structures.
This amino acid has a calming effect on the brain and can help us fall asleep and sleep by lowering body temperature.
Studies with people that have sleep problems have shown that taking 3 grams of glycine before bedtime reduces sleep time, improves sleep quality, reduces daytime sleepiness and improves cognition.
Note: Glycine may impair sleep quality in healthy people.


Its increase in the hypothalamus after the D-Serine injection indicates that it has probably crossed the blood brain barrier.
It is thought that it may cause a decrease in the feeling of fear 2 hours after taking.
Although it has positive effects on memory since it increases glutamineergic nerve conduction, it has the potential to reverse the desired effect in major depression. Therefore, I take a dim view of using it as a nutritional supplement.


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